Australia 2 Month Checkpoint


It has! I have officially been living upside down for 2 months and that feels super weird? To be totally honest, I had the feeling my life would be radically and irrevocably changed in a super noticeable way at this point, but needless to say, that has not happened! There's definitely been a change in my habits, and I'm slowly chipping away at solidifying my current values and improving my mental health, but it's definitely not the sudden and harsh change I was expecting by ANY means. But I wanna say things have changed, and definitely for the better. I kinda realized recently I've been hardcore on "people pleaser" mode for the longest time, and now I've slowly started unshackling myself from the burdens of Permanent Customer Service face. I'm trying more and more to be the purest form of myself and goodness gravy that sounds like the most "Eat Pray Love" white woman ass shit ever. If I become Elizabeth Gilbert while on this trip I apologize to my friends and family in advance.

Australia though! I really don't have a ton of updates this time around. I tried to pack as much as I could into my last post and I really haven't been doing much since then (an exciting life I do not live, sorry not sorry).

But! There are some fun turns of events!

For one, Movember recently wrapped up and despite me not enjoying having facial hair really at all, I decided to give it another go because why not, I like looking silly. I did a full beard last year and it was TORTURE. I admit I looked REALLY good in some pictures, but by the end it was way too itchy and annoying so I decided on just the mustache and yes, I do look very silly. Here is a the most recent picture I took of myself for my gamer boys, now you can see it too and endure the glorious fray that is me with JUST a mustache: Trynna look like my uncle
Otherwise, I've just been working on the arts making two gnomes sing "Sexyback" by Justin Timberlake. If you're on the main page when this comes out you'll be listening to it right now! It was super fun to make because, fun fact, the AI voice of the red gnome went down! The company hosting the AI voice generator went down for copyright infringement! So for the character "singing" with the yellow text, I had to find an archive someone had made of voice clips made before the host went down, and manually stitch a lot of the vocals together. It's way more challenging and can sound way worse than the AI depending on your skill level (I'd like to think I'm halfway decent and think this one turned out pretty good), but it's SO MUCH MORE FUN. I'm super happy with how it turned out, and if you don't get the joke, God bless, you're probably better off than me and some of my friends are.

But uhh yeah there's not much else to say! Australia is good. Despite waking up sweating and walking down the street sweating and the random thunderstorms, it's been a really great time so far. So far I'm very glad I came down here, it's been a really wonderful experience and I can't wait to see what the future 10 months (hopfully) hold :) Although, I don't know if it was just the recency of moving away, but being away from my family for Thanksgiving was super difficult for me, and as everything keeps reminding me despite it being 30+ degrees outside, Christmas is right around the corner, so we'll see how well I handle that >:) Hopefully with minimal tears. We'll see! gay people gay people gay people

Alright catch ya'll mf's l8r, have a lovely day/evening/morning and also Thom if you're reading this, fuck you, I found the 2nd Horus Heresy novel at a used bookstore and now I'm learning space marine lore of my own volition this should not be happening.

k bye bye lol