Australia 3 Month Progress Update

Hey all, Lachlan here

How's everyone DOIN, welcome to the 3 month Australia starcheckpoint It has now been officially 3 months since I've moved to Australia! Holy crap, time is flying!

I apologize in advance too, cause I really don't have a lot to say in this update. Let's start with some basic stuff!!

waiterman! So, I got a job waiting tables at a restaurant here in Port Mac called "Little Turkey". It's nothing glamorous, and all stuff I've done before, but it'll pay my rent so I won't have to worry about that constantly eating up my funds, which is nice :) I'm still looking for another job to do in the mornings as the waiting job is evenings only, but we'll see what comes of that.

This one's kinda sad, but I've notice for the first time recently that the novelty of "oh I'm in Australia!" is starting to wear off :( When I was first here, everything was a super big deal, like the way that trees looked, the beaches and cliffs, all the animals. But now that I've been here for 3 months, and have been just constantly immersed in it every day, I hate to say it but it just feels like regular, everyday things now. To be fair though, SOME things still feel like a big deal. For example, the giant lizard from the previous update was a huge "OH MY GOODNESS THIS IS NOT CANADA" moment for me, but that constant feeling of being in a new, alien world is definitely wearing off. I think this is like a transitional period between that new exposure to a new environment, and the gradual mastery of the environment, if you get what I mean? idk, hopefully by the end of the year I'll have transitioned to a comfortable understanding of the country.

koala globe Check this out tho, I saw a REAL DEAL KOALA, not one in a zoo, not one in a sanctuary, just a goofy little guy hanging out near the street munchin some eucalyptus. I was riding my bike at like 5:30AM so I could make a nice New Years walk with some randoms from around Port Macquarie at 6, and right at sunrise, there he was, chillin. What a great way to start the new year, tysm little fella :)

Also, coming back to the point I made about the bike last time, if you thought people didn't like bikes in Vancouver, OH BOY you should come down to small town Australia. While I was cycling in Vancouver, I honestly pretty rarely got antagonized by randoms around the city. Cycling was just a thing to do there, and aside from getting cussed at once or twice, people respected it for the most part.
In the like 2-3 weeks I've had my bike I have been: Needless to say these are all extremely uncool behaviours. It's easy enough to shrug off since most of the time it's just dumbass teenagers, but whoever shined that laser pointer in my eyes, you better be fucking glad I didn't get your plates cuz jesus christ I'm not letting go of that easily dickhead.

Not super important but thought I'd mention that New Years was really nice. I just hung out with some hostel homies and drank a whole bottle of wine and felt sick :) We also watched the fireworks show they put on here and it was real nice! Here are some pictures I was given:
moon and tree

Uhhh that's it I guess

Yeah! No other crazy updates or anything at this time. Australia has been real fun, and I hope it stays that way LOL. Someone mentioned in a conversation recently what they think they'll do when they return home, and it got me thinking about that a little bit for myself. Currently I have no clue, but honestly I don't really care right now, atm I'm just travelling and can worry about that 8 months from now LMAO chillin

Okay that's it from me today, stay safe eat ur veggies, peace out love yall