Little Update it's Updating Time :)

Hello my little cuties ;) hope we are all shining brightly today winky

Just a little update today. Nothing crazy going on lately, but some fun stuff I wanna share!

So to start, I'm almost finished my 88 days! I think I'll be done in the next 3 weeks or so, which means no more stressing about work while I'm here in Australia! I got a pretty epic Canadian tax return, so with that and all the money I've saved working here, I should be able to get a car and do an epic roadtrip for the next 2 months :) I've got a friend here in Cairns who wants to come with, so it should be a pretty rad adventure when it happens.

Speaking of cars, I'm still looking for one, but have some decent options now. It's kinda hard to look (a lot of cars people are selling are either broken or manual transmission) but there's still some good options, and when I find the one I'm looking for, I'll be sure to post about it here!


But recently me and some fellas went on another super cool hike to a place called "Walshs Pyramid", the tallest freestanding natural pyramid in the world supposedly. It sure freaking felt like it, it's almost 1km tall and uphill all the way, we were absolutely DESTROYED when we got to the peak. It's super duper pretty though, a lot of it is just dry Aussie plants, big rocks, red dirt, and some super green vegetation near the top where it's more humid. It's a trek and a half to get up though, we started climbing at around noon, and it was sooo hotttt..... austin It was overcast and a relatively cool day as well, but the lack of wind most of the way up and the humidity were killer, I think I sweated enough water to fill a small pool. It felt so good reaching the top though, after being sick for a week and barely moving, the hike was just the thing I needed to get my mojo back baby 8)

Of course we got some epic photos, so here are some good ones:

In other news, I'm not really sick anymore! My nose is still a bit runny, but otherwise I'm doin really well!! I've also started going back to the gym, so today my muscles hurt REAL bad, but it's a lot of fun using all the silly machines. Gonna get swole af just watch me muscles

And that's all I've really got recently! Like I said, just a little update, it hasn't been long enough for anything TRULY WILD to happen yet.

also I've been dating this super cute girl named Alice and she's awesome and so cool and omg she's amazing okay thats it

I'll update again soon when more cool stuff happens. See u guys soon! sparkel on!