June 16th Progress Report (uhh idk)

Heydey ho everyone!

Welcome to the June 16th epic Progress Report where I tell you about cool things that have happened recently.

That being... not much LOL

Life has been pretty chill lately! I really haven't been up to a whole lot crazy lately. Still saving up for a car, and I think the car fund is finally fully funded! I've saved at least $3000 in the last couple months to be able to afford a simple used car, so now I'm just saving up to be able to afford some fuel.

I'm getting like above 30 hours a week as well at this point, so hopefully the money keeps flowing at my job :) I know my boss is trying to phase out waiters a bit, but I feel like the others and I do such a good job that it's partially the reason why we have so many regulars? I'm on a first name basis with probably over 5 of them by now, which in all fairness isn't a lot, but we also have a really pleasant short conversation every time they come in. I've actually been really lucky and made $25 worth of tips, which in a country where tipping isn't a thing, feels pretty damn good :D (I just hope they didn't tip just because I sound American LOL that would make me feel bad).

Other than work, I've mostly been hanging out and going to the beach with some Hostel Homies. I really wish I could go hiking more, but it's hard to find people to go with, and it's too expensive to rent a car for the day by myself :( so I haven't been on any more cool hikes recently. I think with my next day off though I'm going to go to do the easy hike around the Botanical Gardens. It's close in town, and hopefully won't be too hot this time since it's not too humid anymore :D

But yeah hostel homie life is okay! It's nice to have friends from everywhere around the globe that I get along with :) hopefully we'll be able to keep in touch after the fact in case I'm ever in Europe or Asia or whatever. Here's some photos from some fun activities lately!

Here is the GRAVEYARD, where things that have died on this Australian Journey can go to rest grieving


But now something kind of unrelated, kind of related? My mental health is probably simultaneously the highest and lowest it's been in a long time. Being around people who are extremely social and seem to somehow become really close friends with almost everyone makes me feel like, broken, or something? I know I've talked about this before, but it's crazy how easily some people connect over basically nothing? I'm definitely no people person, but it makes me feel like a piece of shit sometimes, like no one likes me for me, y'know. I definitely need to open up more, which is really hard for me. I really hate myself some days, wish I was a different person and stuff, but I is who I is, and all I can do is try to be better. It's really hard some days, but I'm getting there, I think.

Otherwise some cool stuff coming up: I'm going to join the "Not a Game" Jam event and try to make a cool fake video game :) Don't know what I'm gonna do yet since the theme hasn't been revealed, but I'm excited to toss my hat into the ring!
Basically the competition is about creating fake screenshots/instruction manuals/game cases for games that have never existed. It's a really cool genre of online art and I'm excited to give it a try :)
Some cool examples of this kind of artwork:

Anyways I think that's it for today!

Peas and carrots, love u all, kind of looking forward to coming back in 4 months lol.