Cairns Update Extravaganza Part 01




Hope everyone is doing extremely well and lovely and you have eaten your FAVORITE FOOD in the past 2 weeks.
Otherwise I'd feel really sad for you :')
My favorite food is prolly really good hamberger in case u were wondering :D have not eated 1 recetly so in VERY upset :(

My favorite food is prolly really good hamberger in case u were wondering :D

Gonna preface this by saying nothing is really super new this update I have not been super busy! So if you're here for mega crazy, mega wild updates, if I could please direct you to This Link this will give you much more entertainment than this blog post.

It's mostly been chill as heck lately, lots of rain so no crazy outdoor adventures. I'm still waiting to get my license transferred by the Queensland government, but they need my work to sign off that yes, I do actually work there and that yes, I am living in Queensland. Kind of a pain in the butt, but it'll be worth it so I can rent cars worry free and go on hikes that are way further away. Also so I can just rent a car and do anything else, hiking is number 1, but I'd rather spend more money renting a car than taking a bus or something just for the speed, y'know?

lunadry I was also away from the hostel for a week because I got the chance to do something super cool: Pet Sitting! This very lovely couple who was travelling to Japan needed someone to take care of their dog and cat while they were away, and I was more than happy to take the opportunity. A whole house to myself just for taking care of a dog and cat? Who wouldn't take that? It was very very fun despite the long bus rides to and from work (each bus had to drive into the city then back out into the suburbs. I don't know why, a direct route would be so much faster and more efficient for anyone on the west side of town), both animals did NOT trust me at all when I first met them, but after a while we became best buddies :D

It was also my first time properly taking care of a cat and I think I got really lucky because he was SUPER chill. His name was Willy, and the only thing buddy did wrong was chew up the majority of a bread loaf I left on the counter (which to be fair I should have put in the cupboard seeing as there was no other food left on the counter). He started as my enemy and the dog, Luli, was my ally, but they kind of switched roles by the end, where Luli became a super bad listener and tried to get away with doing things her way all the time, instigating fights between the two, where all Willy wanted was his wet food at the end of the day and just wanted attention and cuddles the rest of the time.

Anyways heres some photos of the two:

lunadry lunadry Otherwise work has been lovely, I'm making a good enough amount of money which is nice. Still trying to save up for a car, but also trying to go out and do as much neat stuff as possible. Recently that's just been going out and drinking, but I want to get into more interesting hobbies, like basically anything else LOL. Drinking and danacing is fun enough, but it just makes me tired all the time and gets really boring the more you do it. I'm trying to join a DnD group that meets on Sundays but I keep getting all day SUnday shifts at work which does not help LOL. Otherwise I'd love to start my own game, I just need players. I wrote a really cool Vampire story I want to run, I just need an actual party to play it. I had a couple people agree, but it's hard to find a time where everyone is free, so that's still on hold for now.

Otherwise I think I'm going to get a gym membership just for the exercise. I wanna try and find an exercise plan that emphasizes mobility. I'd just do martial arts, but those classes are EXPENSIVE here, and I want to save as much as I can for a car first. It'll still be fun being back exercising though, I really enjoy it and I wanna see what the Aussie Gyms are like.


Okay and that's it for this week I think!!!! Here's the usual photodump, hope u have a lovely day!!!


Bye bye!!
Sunkist, the perfect dog