BrisBANE of My Existence (not really I just thought that sounded funny)

Hey all, Lachlan here! Have you ever thought about Brisbane?

If you answer is yes, first off, why??? Secondly, then you must also be living here because I don't think there's any other reason to think of it? (if u answered no then congrats ur living a normal life :) ) Out of all the cities I've been to I think so far this one is the most suburban. I've kinda come at it from the angle of the downtown area not being as big or varied as Melbourne or Sydney. Those cities both have massive hub areas where you can get lost for what feels like hours, but in Brisbane it's not as much the case. The downtown is comparatively small and spread out throughout 3 different areas:
  1. The Central Business District
    1. As the name implies, this is the area with the most businesses and commerce, it has the big arcades and malls and stuff, it's where the city hall is, etc. etc.
  2. Southbank
    1. This place is SICKKKKK, it's basically like a super long park that stretches all along the city's river. There's a super beautiful pathway with flowers all over it, there's this manufactured pool that's SUPER clean, it's such a beautiful area. It also houses the State Library, the Art Gallery, the Museum, which are all super neat (not as good as the other 2 cities but whatever haha).
  3. Fortitude Valley
    1. This is like the night life area. There's tons of clubs and pubs and stuff that are all open super late, and despite looking barren and nasty during the day, it's not bad at night. It's also where the city's Chinatown is located, and it's probably the least cool one out of the 3 cities, it is TINY and there's almost nothing there. It's pretty fun, and it's kinda of nice to have a hub for all the night life activities.
And these areas are super cool and all, but they're very spread out! Like, it's at least like a 30 minute walk between any 2 of them, and they're all spread out in a nice little line along the river, so good luck getting to Fortitude Valley from Southbank without getting a taxi or taking a bus. To be fair, this facilitates the use of one of the cities coolest features, THE CITY FERRYthe citycat boat I just think it's super neat the city actually uses the river to its advantage by providing a super sick ferry service along it. These bad boys will take you every point of interest along the river, including right next to the Sea Legs Brewery which is super cool and would be the one brewery I'd recommend visiting if you're in the area and something I'm not at all biased towards ahahaha why do you ask :)

Back to Brisbane being all
I'm not sure if it's just the place I'm staying in (I'm currently staying at a family friends house and they are so freaking nice omg more on them in a minute), but all the cool little local shops that I'd love to go shop around are all super spread out in little commercial pockets around the suburbs. Where in a city like Sydney or Melbourne, the small shops are interspersed with the larger arcades and malls around the big hub areas, making everything usually just within walking distance, in Brisbane every suburb has its own huge mall or little commercial "village". They're super duper cute, and when I'm at one I love shopping around them, but, and this is totally just a me problem, there's usally not enough variety of shops to keep me invested in any one little village? Like, for instance, if I went to one little area because they had a thrift store, but I also want to go get some toiletries or peruse a used book store, suddenly I have to go off to a whole new village the next suburb over. Which honestly would be totally fine if I had a car, because it would make these commutes trivial, but for walkers or public transit users this is super duper annoying, just because it takes like an hour each way to get to any one of these villages, which is not very fun or enjoyable! Once again, monumentally just a "me" thing, but I still think it's kinda annoying :(

But there is some super cool stuff around here like I said! My mom's friend brought me to this place called "Eat Street" which is a big open air food event held every weekend, and I got a burger that's literally just a deep fried ENTIRE CRAB between 2 buns. they turned a crab into a burger
We also went for this awesome hike with a BEAUTIFUL view of the surrounding hills and some cool waterfalls, pics below.
I also got on of my favorite pictures of myself recently here: they turned a crab into a burger There's also some quire pretty botanical gardens in the area, a lot better than Sydney or Melbourne to be honest, with a lot more snakes and spiders too (I saw a big old python and there were Golden Orb Weavers everywhere). There's also a bunch of cool lizards around here that look different from the ones in Sydney, it's pretty neato :) Back to the family friends I'm staying with, they are so freaking nice!!! They're a super nice 4 person family of 2 parents and 2 kids, and I had literally never met these people in my life before, literally the only thing I knew about them was that this family's mom was one of my mom's friends. Turns out they're super friggin awesome! They totally accepted me right away and let me stay with them for nothing at all :)
It was really nice being in a family house again after being in hostels for over a month. Hostels are pretty cool but I got sick of staying in them pretty quick LOL. To be fair though, I did stay in a hostel for a weekend while here in Brisbane, and it was pretty okay! Nothing super new for hostel standards, but it really reinforced the idea that I'm likely not going to make any strong friends staying at hostels. I'm really great at getting along with people on a surface level but not many people enjoy talking about interesting things like FinFin or cool games that have come out recently or that want to go hiking or whatever. I know I have pretty polar luck (I either get REALLY LUCKY or absolutely trashed on, no in-betweens), so I'm keeping my hopes up that I'll find some cool people at like a D+D game or something.

Regardless, I think I'm kinda done with Brisbane. It's been cool, but I haven't really made any friends here, and there's nothing really enticing me to stay opportunity wise. I'd like to push my luck in Sydney, but it's also super expensive and all the jobs I've applied to haven't gotten back to me :( So Melbourne might be the way to go for me! The one job I applied to, despite being a shitty job I didn't really want, did in fact get back to me (I didn't take it it was not something I really wanted), and it's way cheaper than Sydney. It'd also be super easy to get around since the area's flat as hell and bikes are pretty cheap there, and I'd also love to visit Tasmania during the summer, so it might be the way to go.

Okay tangent time: for some reason my legs were SUPER friggin tired the past like 2 weeks? Like I wanted to go out for the last couple weekends, but I literally couldn't force myself to get up to go dancing or anything. The best I could do was to walk down the block for a couple beers with some homies from the hostel I stayed at. However, I committed, I told myself "no more super long days of walking until I'm rested up" which I DIDN'T really listen to tbh, but eventually my energy came back and I danced for HOURS this past Saturday, oh my goodness it was so fun. I ran into 2 other people who were also just absolutely giving it (I really wish I got their insta or numbers or something they were so fun), and it was a blast just trying to keep up with each other. I also got to see the sun come up since it literally rises at 4:30AM here right now which was pretty surreal.
dumb block
no context this stupid pink block gave me such a headache for hours no cap

Anyways, aside from Brisbane stuff, Godot learning is going pretty well! It's a huge learning curve because logical sequences and my brain mix like oil and water, so I'm trying my best and things are mostly working. I only get super pissed off SOMETIMES and usually I can fix whatever issues I have as long as I sleep on it and give it a day. Hopefully things work out and I can actually make cool games eventually instead of grinding my teeth at stuff like Pong and Breakout LOL.

And that's gonna do it for today! I don't really think I have a lot to talk about other than some epic loneliness stuff (a social party person I am NOT), so I'm gonna call it for this update. Hope the rest of your day is LOVELY I will make another update soon-ish probably idk Godot is too "enjoyable" right now.