October 4th, 2023: "Big man in a little seat(s)"

Alright! So uh, officially in Australia! What an adventure to get here fr, it was super interesting but I do NOT want to do it again for a hot minute.
Here's a (not so) brief recap of my journey from Vancouver to Melbourne:

But shit, yeah, nothing super crazy to say yet! I haven't had a ton of time to explore the city yet (very tired) so nothing really there.
The hostel I'm staying at though is pretty nice so far! (name will be revealed later after I have left for security I ain't gettin MURDERED :O) I've never stayed at a hostel before, but this has been pretty much what I expected. The showers are relatively clean, the carpets are as clean as they can be (I think haha). They had cleaners come in this morning to tidy up the common spaces and floors which was super nice. They even have a full kitchen, so I get to make super cheapass meals if I so desire >:). The residents have been a mix of very friendly and very standoffish. It seems like a lot of people already know each other here and as such aren't really willing to make space for newcomers in their little groups. I did meet one really nice solo traveller named Pato, and he and I had a couple beers together on the porch of the hostel while talking about our aspirations and shit while we're here in Australia. We both kept getting distracted though because right across from us in a little park were these ENORMOUS ass bats! Neither of us knew they existed in Melbourne until last night so imagine our shock when the chittering we'd been hearing gives way to these MASSIVE shadows flying over the bright skyline.

An image for reference, never EVER heard of these things being here before:

Anyways, I'm going to call it here for today. If I want to write more then I'll have to go actually do stuff LOL. Gotta get my bank account and Tax numbers set up so I can actually do the "work" part of my working holiday.
Okay! Piece out, see you laters,

- Lachlan