Stinky Da Vinki gonna Feed Me a Twinkie with His Pinkie

Hello there weclome to my blog update on the world wide web ;)

Okay man where to start recently? So as you could tell from my previous blog post, I'm currently on my Super Sick Roadtrip portion of my little Vacation and was having an excellent time until recently. Well it's still excellent but I'll get into that in a minute.

For now some


Fraser Island
Something thats super cool that I got to do recently was go to Fraser Island! And oh my god it was so freaking cool. Out of all the places to go in Australia if you ever go, it's definitely top 5, ESPECIALLY if you're on the East Coast. I did a 3 day 2 night tour and I personally think it was the perfect amount of time. You got about an hour or two at each destination, cause like, Fraser Island is BIG. You really don't realize how long it takes to get everywhere until you're behind the wheel of the 90's Toyota 4WD trying to climb shitty soft sand hills (which was a lot of fun thank you very much, I didn't get stuck a SINGLE TIME). But the locations on the island are honestly breathtaking. A lot of it is just beaches to be fair, so if you're not into that then sucks for you, but if you are, there's SO MUCH COOL STUFF THERE.

I think my favorite location was Lake Mackenzie. It's a freshwater lake located on the southern part of the island, and the sand is super white, and the water is super clear. Sproat Lake back home is beautiful, but oh my god this lake was on another level. What it lacks in variety it makes up for in beauty, the joy I felt plunging into the crystal clear water of the white beach can't be matched goodness gracious. Here's a sick pic:

Yes thats a real freshwater beach, I couldn't believe it either.

But yeah, we also went to these super cool saltwater pools called the Champagne pools, saw a bunch of Dingos who were super cute, we saw a baby Brown Snake and a Red Belly, and generally had a sweet time driving around the beach and looking at cool forests and stuff :) here is a big photodump of some of my favorite pictures:

It was such a cool time, if that trip wasn't $500 I would do it again in a heartbeat.

Noosa Heads
Basically one of the best beach towns in Australia, no lies. The water is crystal clear, some of the beaches have really good surf apparently (not that me or my friend saw but y'know whatever it exists), and there's a really wicked coastal walk that brings you to a ton of cool coastal attractions, and you can even see whales this time of year, so pretty freaking sweet if you ask me.

But oh my goodness gracious it was SO BUSY :O I forgot that it was school holidays here so when I went everything was PACKED, you couldn't find a parking spot to save your life OMG. I'm glad I had good music on becuase there was no other way I was surviving that let me tell you. Here is one cool photo because I don't want to format 4 more photos for this stinky update:

NSW and Blue Mountains so far
After a quick pitstop in Brisbane to say hi to the Mckibbins, I went straight down into NSW and skipped over basically everything haha. I looked it up and apparently the most interesting things to see around the northern point are mostly Byron and a couple other palces I've already stopped, so I kinda just drove straight down until I hit Port Macquarie. I got to see some of my old work friends from Little Turkey which was really nice and got more delicious Turkish Bread and a kebab filled with meat and it was AMAZING. But then I gunned it down, explored a little bit of the Central Coast and saw a BANDICOOT and it was adorable and I feel super lucky I got to see one (internet pic to the right, all of mine ended up looking like Bigfoot pictures).

But otherwise I finally made it to the Blue Mountains! And oh my god, I've only been here like 2 days but it's actually so insane. This is one of the most beautiful areas in the whole of Australia, and for the past 2 days I've just been hiking like crazy. I'm super tired but it's so worth it, all the trails here are so beautiful and so fun to walk around on :D I'll probably stay 2 more days or so, but so far my favorite hikes have been the Grand Canyon Walking Track and Cox's Cave. Cox's Cave is especially cool because you get to climb a neat ladder and walk around a fairly treacherous cliffside, but it's all rocks and stuff so you can slide around pretty easily and it's all stepped so it's super fun to navigate and UHH its good :D

The other really big attraction here is the 3 Sisters rock formation, which is pretty cool but it is kinda just rocks? They're pretty cool rocks, but I think the area surrounding them (another valley hike and a very large staircase called the Giant Steps) is a lot more interesting. Here are the rocks, they sure are some big rocks that are on a cliff.

It's also been really funny because since Winter is ending, the weather has been pretty shit. Like, I was gonna sleep in my car tent tonight, but apparently it's going to be 4 degrees!!!! tonight, so I got another night at on of the hostels in town. That is too cold for me! Why are you so cold Australia??? I am literally wearing shorts and a tshirt during the day, why you so cold at night :( So now I'm staying in the nice warm hostel typing this cure message. But also with the weather, it's been super cloudy, so the first day I went out, it was just... fog. It's cleared up now and I can see why they're called the blue mountains (the mist is blue af) and that's pretty cool I think :D

But anyways the weather is the not exciting part I was talking about in the first paragraph, it is getting COLD and its shitty when it rains, I hate being a cold wet boy in my cold wet car when it rains. Really looking forward to not being that in 1 month.

Uhh but yeah I think that's everything for me for now? I'll update as soon as I can, I'll try and dedicate at least like 1 day a week or whatever to writing these so they don't have to be such big info dumps haha. It's kinda funny, after living in a hostel and then my car for 5 months and 3 weeks, I'm looking forward to living in a house again and the cold weather when I get back to Vancouver. I miss baking cookies and drinking tea late at night with my dreams in my head and wrapped in cozy blankets or whatever. IDK I know I'm going to work hard when I get back, but I'm looking forward to those simple things again. I really like them.

Okay this is FOR REAL the end, I would just like to end with the fact I've been reading One Piece and am on Volume 53 or so, I'm almost at the timeskip I think, Whitebeard just showed up at Marineford and things are gonna go DOWN. This series is actually so good though, my favorite arc is obviously Water Seven, and if you wanna know my favorite characters so far are Buggy and Bon Clay especially after Impel Down, Borsalino, Rayleigh, and my favorite straw hat is Franky.